Know that you can not control the number of years in your life. Time passes at the same pace each year. Before you think about your age, pause and think …
I’m excited to announce that one of my devotions got chosen to be published on the FlourishWriters blog. I’d be honored if you’d take the time to read it and let …
Precious Child, You are my love, my chosen one, made by my gentle hands.I know your thoughts. I see your face. Your life is in my plan. This time of …
She held my hand before my fingers were fully formed, cradling me in her hidden embrace. With each early breath, my body inhaled and exhaled the lifeline which only she …
A friend with whom Rob and I have not spoken with in a couple of years called this past week. He visited his local Chick-fil-a where their seasonal peppermint milkshake …
Eight years ago I received an unexpected call, altering the trajectory of my life forever. I wasn’t expecting the news that I had a massive brain tumor. I didn’t prepare …